
Mehari Ukbalidet

Mehari Ukbalidet (1983*) worked in the head office of the Department of Political Affairs in Eritrea and studies today Social Anthropology at Bern University.

Mehari Ukbalidet – worked in the head office of the Department of Political Affairs in Eritrea and studies today Social Anthropology at Bern University.

«Freedoms are interconnected and inseparable unless meant for manipulation, misuse and repression by the state» says Mehari Ukbalidet, who worked for the head office of the PFDJ, Department of Political Affairs in Eritrea from 2006 until his exile in 2011. He was born and raised in Eritrea, is trained as a teacher and has a Bachelor degree in Political Science. At the head office of the PFDJ, Department of Political Affairs, he was responsible for promoting the principles of the ruling party in the school of Cadet (Cadet School is the propaganda outlet of the ruling party). Today he lives in Switzerland and continues his studies in Social Anthropology. He is concerned with the precious balance between freedom and development and says that “freedoms are both the primary end and the principal means of development.” If you want to discuss with Mehari Ukbalidet about his experiences working for the ruling party in Eritrea or about his perspective on freedom and development, meet him on October 16th in the Rote Fabrik.