Selim Hussein

Selim Hussein (*1988) Fighting for the abolition of the National Service and its Importance for Eritrea.

Selim Hussein – Fighting for the abolition of the National Service and its Importance for Eritrea.

«The National Service in Eritrea is a euphemism for slavery», says Selim Hussein, one of the founders of the Stop Slavery in Eritrea Campaign. This campaign sets its focus on the specific topic of the National Service and its abolition, instead of trying to change everything at once. “It means that we can take concrete action” explains Hussein. This can be the education of survivors on Human Rights, but also connecting people that are able to give testimony of the conditions in the National Service with official agencies advocating for Human Rights, namely the OHCHR. Hussein’s incentives for his work are of a personal nature and strong conviction: Given that he – as many others – fled mainly because of the National Service, he believes that this is the primary issue that needs to be resolved in order for the conditions in Eritrea to change.