Eritrea-Gold Skandal – Schweizer Firma profitieren von Zwangsarbeit

Bereits am 5. August 2017 wurde der erste Skandal um das Eritrea-Gold bekannt: Die Schweizer Nationalbank und die Zürcher Kantonalbank investieren Gelder in die umstrittene kanadische Minenfirma Nevsun, welche in Eritrea Minen unter Zwangsarbeits betreibt (die Firma bestreitet das). Bericht auf RTS finden Sie hier…


Nun kommt die Schweiz erneut in Bedrouille: Schweizer Firmen kauften der eritreischen Regierung grosse Mengen Gold ab, während zur gleichen Zeit 10’000 aus Eritrea geflüchtete Menschen in der Schweiz ankamen. Schweizer PolitikerInnen von Links bis Rechts sind empört über das Millionengeschäft, denn die Mine ist eine der grössten Einnahmequellen des Regimes.

Die Sendung auf SRF finden Sie hier…

Kommentar von Dr. Daniel R. Mekonnen auf Facebook zum Gold-Deal von Schweizer Firmen mit Eritrea vom 30.08.2017:

«ትግርኛ ኣብ ታሕቲ
Here is a short and quick summary of tonight’s Rundschau TV (Swiss TV) program on Eritrea. Metalor, a company based in Switzerland, is one of the major world suppliers of precious metals (such as gold). Between 2011 and 2013, it refined huge amount of gold originating from Eritrea: 22 tons of gold, estimated at a price of nearly 400 million Swiss Francs. The problem is that the process of extraction in Eritrea involves extremely abusive practices, such as forced labour, slavery and enslavement, by which reason the major Canadian company (Nevsun), which did the extraction is currently fighting a major legal battle at the Supreme Court of British Colombia in Canada. As is now verified by a United Nations mandated commission of inquiry, the Eritrean government is busy perpetrating crimes against humanity (including in the mining sector). That is why it becomes very problematic for Metalor to be involved in such kind of dirty business. Now it is officially confirmed that such has been the case indeed. Let’s wait and see as to what happens next. But the following observation by a private Swiss commentator, Bruno Vogt from Zurich, is very insightful: “Switzerland is by far the largest physical gold trading place in the world. The fact that a lot of gold is being channelled through Switzerland by African dictators is something that our parliamentarians have certainly known so far. Indignation is shown only when such stories are revealed by the media.”
ሎሚ ምሸት ኣብ ናብ ናይ ስዊዝ ቲቪ ንኤርትራ ዝምልከት ሓደ መደብ ክፍኖ ምዃኑ ተሓቢሩ ኔሩ። ሓጺር ጽሟቕ ናይቲ መደብ ከምዚ ዝስዕብ ይመስል። ሓንቲ ሜታሎር ዝተባህለት ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ዝመደበራ ካምፓኒ፡ ካብ 2011 ክሳብ 2013 ኣብ ዝነበረ ግዜ፡ ከባቢ 400 ሚልዮን ስዊስ ፍራንክ ዝግመት፡ ካብ ኤርትራ ዝመጸ 22 ቶን ወርቂ ከም ዘጻረየት ተፈሊጡ። እዚ ወርቂ’ዚ ብግዱድ ዕስክርናን ብባርነትን ዝተፋሕረ ወርቂ ምዃኑ ፍሉጥ ክነሱ ስለምንታይ እታ ካምፓኒ ኣብ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰል ግዕዙይ ስራሕ ተዋፊራ ዝብል ከቢድ ወቐሳታት ኣለዓዒሉ ኣሎ። ቀጺሉ ዝህሉ ምዕባለታት ብግዚኡ ክሕበር’ዩ።»